Général - General

Le monde compte six zones principales de piraterie .

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I've just signed an urgent petition at Avaaz.org to protect whales. Read more below, or click this link to join me in signing:

https://secure.avaaz.org/en/whales_last_push/98.php?cl_taf_sign=6fM7hm4Y [ |https://secure.avaaz.org/en/whales_last_push/98.php?cl_taf_sign=6fM7hm4Y ]

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Je lis l article des Echos de la mi-fevrier et je me rappelle ma reaction lorsque les Jeux Olympiques d hiver furent accordes a la Russie pour 2014. Pourquoi pas, mais pourquoi Sotchi! une ville balneaire au bord de la mer Noire! 10 milliards de dollars d investissement sont prevus pour amenager les montagnes du Caucase.

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During the Winter Enrichment Period, I organized a lecture at King Abdullah University Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, thanks to Romain Trouble who is the Secretary General of the Tara Foundation and Operations Manager of Tara Oceans. Dr. Stein Kaartverdt from the KAUST Red Sea Research Center introduced the 2 instructors, Dr. Fabrice Not and Olivier Marien, captain of Tara. Fabrice worked on the diversity of Tiny eukaryotic organisms in the sea for his PhD. He conducted postdoctoral research at the Rosenthiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami FL, and The Institute of Marine Science in Barcelona, Spain. Currently, Fabrice is a research scientist for the Station Biologique de Roscoff (CNRS-Univ Paris Pierre et Marie Curie), France.

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A marine- environment use case for a web-based environmental management system EMS dedicated to the KAUST Red Sea Research Center.

RBIS will help KAUST to centralize and present continuously updated data related to the Red Sea.

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Currently I am working at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. The core campus is located on more than 36 square kilometers along the Red Sea at Thuwal – about 80 kilometers north of Saudi Arabia's second largest city, Jeddah.

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Marine Services organized two EARTH DAY events at KAUST this week.

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While the economic and environmental importance of the Red Sea has long been recognized, our knowledge of its hydrography, microbial diversity and physicochemical properties remains inadequate. In March 2010, KAUST, together with its Global Collaborative Partners, launched its second major marine research expedition, KAUST Red Sea Expedition Spring 2010.

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D'après l'ONG indonésienne " Walhi " , l'usine de la société " PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper " de Perawang, ville Indonésienne située dans la province de Riau dans l'île de Sumatra, aurait reçu en 2004 , en provenance du parc national de Tesso Nilo, des livraisons de bois coupé illégalement .

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Je ne te redis pas ce que certains t'ont déjà dit et que tous les autres te diront sur ton exceptionnel Vendée globe Mais seulement çà. BRAVO !! Cinq lettres lesquelles pour une fois ne sont pas merde!!!

En plus de ta place de troisième , je trouve que tous les bricolos devraient te remettre leur trophée! Le max de bénévoles de pompiers,secouristes, Hospitaliers Sauveteurs Bretons et employés fabricant de l'Europe assistance te déclarer The Best of Year et le club de pêche brésilien t'offrir le trophée de la pêche au gros avec le poisson remis à l'eau.

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